The Art of Dragon Age
Discover the creative universe of Bioware new game, Dragon Age Inquisition through this new selection and concept art and the making of the design – The Art of Dragon Age – Inquisition artbook !
With the newest game in the Dragon Age franchise set to hit the PC and consoles later this month, Dark Horse is catering to fans with their latest oversized art book. The Art of Dragon Age: Inquisition offers an in-depth look at the development of this sequel, with copious amounts of concept art and designs and commentary from the developers at Bioware. Based on the quality of Dark Horse’s previous video game-themed art books, this is definitely a book Dragon Age fans will want to add to their Christmas lists.
Character designs are mainly influenced by medieval warriors in armour. The book includes many variations of costumes and characters. I prefer the environment and prop art to the character designs although they are pretty good as well. There are some creatures and dragons but not much. The captions that come with the artworks talking about the designs are quite insightful but too brief.
The style of art is mainly painterly, quite detailed at times to show off the architecture and history of the places. There are some rough pieces but for the most part they look wonderful in terms of textures, composition and invite you to marvel at the details.
* Filled with never-before-seen art!
* Commentary by the creators of Dragon Age!
* From BioWare, developers of the hit Mass Effect series!
Here you can see only part of the art book for your reference, but you can Download The Art of Dragon Age – Inquisition PDF in full size and excellent quality
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