Masamune Shirow, Wild Wet West
Wild Wet West – another mini artbook, from the series erotic manga and poster books by Masamune Shirow Galgrease, which you can read and download our. This one is his quite erotic take on the old west. The star of this one is a very pretty girls with blonde hair and a seriously perverted lactating problem. This is the first issue that has an over abundance of Japanese writing in the middle of the book out of all of them I own. Overall I like it.
Galgrease by Masamune Shirow (published in Uppers Magazine, 2002) is the collected name of several erotic manga and poster books by Shirow. The name comes from the fact that the girls depicted often look «greased». You can to download.
The first series of Galgrease booklets included four issues each in the following settings:
Wild Wet West (Wild West-themed)
Hellhound (Horror-themed)
Galhound (Near-future science fiction–themed)
The second series included another run of 12 booklets in the following worlds:
Wild Wet Quest (A Tomb Raider or Indiana Jones–style sequel to Wild Wet West)
Hellcat (Pirate-themed)
Galhound 2 (Near-future science fiction–themed)
After each regular series, there were one or more bonus poster books that revisited the existing characters and settings.
Masamune Shirow is an internationally renowned manga artist, he is best known for the manga Ghost in the Shell, which has since been turned into three anime movies, two anime TV series and several video games.
Here you can see only part of the art book for your reference, but you can Download Masamune Shirow, Wild Wet West in full size and excellent quality
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