The Art Of Horizon Zero Dawn
Now for fans who want to dive deeper into the world, they definitely need to check out Titan Books The Art Of Horizon Zero Dawn artbook.
Horizon Zero Dawn captured people’s hearts long before its launch a few weeks ago. Shortly after Sony unveiled the game — in which a young woman hunts robot animals in a time where nature has reclaimed the “metal world” that humans built ages ago — at E3 2015, Amsterdam-based developer Guerrilla Games began receiving questions about Aloy, Horizon Zero Dawn’s fearless lead character.
The people wanted to know how Aloy put together her clothes — so they could cosplay as the red-haired hunter. (Guerrilla quickly published a detailed cosplay guide.)
Aloy’s look in the final game is similar to the way it was in that initial reveal, but her design changed greatly during the course of Horizon Zero Dawn’s development. You can see the evolution of Aloy’s character model, costume, hair and attitude chronicled in The Art of Horizon Zero Dawn, written by Paul Davies and published by Titan Books.
It’s an art book filled with concept art from the game ranging from the many different tribes and the settings, the evolution of the main protagonist Aloy, and the machines that roam the post-apocalyptic world.
The book does reveal backgrounds on the tribe. So if you haven’t played the game yet and want to discover things on your own, do not read the book. This is meant for fans who have completed the game and want to learn more about the design of the game.
We get a little background on where Aloy came from and her tribe as the book’s introduction. The Nora tribe is settled in the game’s present-day Colorado Rockies now called the Sacred Lands.
The 192-page art book includes hundreds of sketches, concept art and other images by the team at Guerrilla Games, along with insight into the development process from members of the studio. It is available now free.
About the Author
Paul Davies has worked in gaming journalism for twenty years, writing and editing magazines and websites including Official Nintendo and Computer & Video Games. He is the co-founder of media agency Unlikely Hero Ltd. whose clients include Yahoo! UK and Microsoft.
Here you can see only part of the art book for your reference, but you can Download The Art Of Horizon Zero Dawn PDF in full size and excellent quality
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