The Art of Destiny
Good replenishment of our collection of artbooks - The Art of Destiny is a nice companion art book for the game Destiny. This is the official concept art book of Destiny! It’s quite a large 216-page hardcover with a non-glossy smooth surface dust jacket.
From the mysterious dunes of Mars to the jungles of Venus and the abandoned aerospace installations on the Moon, Destiny takes players across the ancient ruins of our solar system on their quest to defend Earth’s last city and become legend.
To build this expansive universe, the team at Bungie drew from a multitude of inspirations—from classic fantasy and science fiction worlds, the myth-meets-technology adventure of space operas, and the ornate design of medieval drapery juxtaposed with modern architecture—all of which combine to create a world uniquely imagined down to the smallest detail.
The landscapes from other planets are breathtaking to look at. It’s quite cool to see how artists imagine civilization on other planets, in this case collapsed civilization, abandoned cities, space metropolis and other exotic locales. Some of the places do feel grandiose, epic.
The Art of Destiny is a celebration of the dynamic art at the heart of the game, featuring hundreds of pieces of concept illustrations, cinematic imagery, early sketches, and world-building graphic design. Covering the meticulous artistic development behind each class, vehicle, weapon, and environment, this lush and comprehensive overview explores the game’s sweeping world, grand scope, and vibrant visuals.
Here you can see only part of the art book for your reference, but you can Download The Art of Destiny PDF in full size and excellent quality
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