The Art of Metal Gear Solid V
Metal Gear fans received an excellent gift, when Dark Horse published its 180-plus page game artbook - The Art of Metal Gear Solid V, giving fans a look at the “concept and deign behind the genre-defining science-fiction military action” game.
As detailed on the comic book publisher’s website, the art book were featured “hundreds of pieces of never-before-seen art. ” A total of 400 Limited Edition versions of the book will also be available, packaged in a “tactical slipcase featuring an exclusive fine art print by superstar illustrator Ashley Wood.”
For nearly twenty years now, the Metal Gear Solid franchise has featured some of the most iconic characters and design in the business. As we say goodbye to Hideo Kojima’s involvement with the series—and maybe the series itself—I figured today was a good time to look back on the best of Metal Gear’s art.
Most of the plaudits are directed at Yoji Shinkawa, an artist who has worked on pretty much every Metal Gear game since the 90s.
From characters to uniforms to the Metal Gears themselves, Shinkawa is to thank for much of the series imagery, up to and including cover art. Below is a selection of some of his best Metal Gear work.
Joining him in this retrospective is Ashley Wood, who hasn’t worked on as many games, but has done stuff for the series in comic book form, and even has his own Metal Gear art book.
This is a nice item for the avid Metal Gear collector. Its cool packaging and limited run make it an attractive addition to the collection. However those people who are mainly interested in the art itself, the much cheaper alternative of the regular edition or even the digital version may be a more fitting option.
Here you can see only part of the art book for your reference, but you can Download The Art of Metal Gear Solid V PDF in full size and excellent quality
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