The Art of Gears of War 4
We continue to fill our collection of artbooks. This time -Gears of War 4 game artbook -The Art of Gears of War 4, the essential companion!
Dive into a massive collection of 90 Concept Art made for Gears of War 4, featuring David Carman, Andy Yi Shen, Haiwei Hou, Akio Kimoto, Daniel Bohrer do Nascimento, Eugene Slautin, Clinton Crumpler, Dan Roarty, Shifally Rattan, Krzysztof Teper, Alfie Feliciano, Heber Alvarado.
The concept art featured are mostly textured mapped 3D renders, in other words very similar to what you would see in game.
To commemorate the next chapter of the Gears of War epic, Dark Horse Books is joining forces with The Coalition to bring fans The Art of Gears of War 4. Featuring hundreds of individual pieces of concept and production art, finished renders, and intimate commentary from the game’s creators, this gorgeous volume is a must-have item for veteran Gears and rookies alike!
The book contains hundreds of concept images and production art pieces, and will also include commentary from the developers alongside it. You’ll get a closer look at the games new weapons like the Dropshot and the Buzzsaw, along with old favorites like the Gnasher and Lancer. The same goes for Gears of War 4’s new threat, the Swarm. They seem to be a byproduct of the Locust horde from the original trilogy, but I’m sure we will get an inside look at how they progressed and emerged into their final form here.
Here you can see only part of the art book for your reference, but you can Download The Art of Gears of War 4 PDF in full size and excellent quality
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