The Art of Prey
Arkane Studios and Dark Horse Books are proud to present Prey game art book The Art of Prey. This exquisite and comprehensive collection features hundreds of pieces of gorgeous art from the development of this hotly anticipated game, showcasing Arkane’s signature world-building and attention to detail with a unique take on futuristic design.
This is a splendid video game artbook for Prey, the sci-fi action game from Arkane Studios, creators of the Dishonored series.
A dark force torments the enigmatic space station Talos I, and the key to survival. Journey alongside Morgan Yu to explore the depths of Prey, a new science-fiction action game from the makers of Dishonored.
When you awaken aboard Talos I, an immense space station orbiting the moon in the year 2032, you find yourself as the key subject of an experiment meant to alter humanity forever – but things have gone terribly wrong. The space station has been overrun by hostile aliens and you are now being hunted. As you dig into the dark secrets of Talos I and your own past, you must survive using the tools found on the station, your wits, weapons, and mind-bending abilities to defeat the Typhon alien threat.
Collected with this 184-page artbook are wonderful concept artworks for the game. This The Art of Prey book shows just how Bethesda completely rebuilt Prey to form a game that surpasses the original and captivates the player in a way the original only hinted at.
Exclusive never before seen concept art from the development of the highly anticipated Prey!
Here you can see only part of the art book for your reference, but you can Download The Art of Prey PDF in full size and excellent quality
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