Entertainment Weekly The Ultimate Guide to The Walking Dead
season 7
The Walking Dead is an ongoing black-and-white American comic book series and TV series (produced in color). Chronically the story of former small town police officer who awakens from a coma to discover the world is being ransacked by flesh-eating zombies. Grimes is forced to adapt to this disturbing new reality, forming a band of survivors while attempting to ward off both the living and the undead. Both the comic and TV series have won numerous awards, and there’s no end in sight for either of them.
Walking Dead heads. Either you are one or you know one. Now in its seventh season, “The Walking Dead” has gone from cult hit to cultural movement and has now achieved the status of appointment television. Mostly because of one simple word – community: This is a show about a tight community made by a tight community for a tight community, and part of its simple appeal is that it makes us face the most basic questions about who we’d become in an extreme world, and who would be there with us
Now, in an all-new collector’s edition, Entertainment Weekly takes readers into the writing room, behind the scenes and onto the sets in The Ultimate Guide to The Walking Dead. Go inside each season with exclusive photographs, interviews with the cast and crew, a season-by-season recap, as well as original art that traces the journey of survivors in the series, created by the artists who draw The Walking Dead comic books. Additionally, this collector’s edition has two front covers, one of the living, and one of the undead (you should probably collect them both!).
With exclusive insights into season 7, special sidebars, as well as an original essay on Why We Love Zombies, The Ultimate Guide to The Walking Dead is the drop un-dead companion to one of the hottest shows on television today.
Here you can see only part of the art book for your reference, but you can Download Entertainment Weekly The Ultimate Guide to The Walking Dead PDF in full size and excellent quality
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